What would you teach ?¿Qué harías?

Buenos tardes profesores y profesoras de ingles.

What would you teach a dozen of future IT specialists in English? What would be useful to know? What are phrases that your favorite Teutonic service help desk supporter should know and in the best case use on phone or in small talk situations?

I look forward to your replies, suggestions, and some inspiration from you

@ Senior Torsten el alfabeto de la OTAN no es una respuesta. :smiley:

vive la vida loca y gracias de antemano


Hi Michael, I would focus on ‘teaching’ the group learning techniques and sharing resources instead of teaching them phrases as such. First, have them brainstorm reasons why they should work on improving their English. If you like, we can do this exercise together beforehand here on the forum. Next, have them create a keyword list describing their IT background including reasons why they have chosen IT as their field of expertise. This list will give you more ideas and vocabulary items to work with. In addition, have each group member create and give a presentation on a related topic such as the podcasts they listen to on a regular basis. Listening to podcasts is vital for their English as well as in order to stay up to date in their specific field of work. IT is a very broad term that can mean so many things.

Also, have you gone through the entries here? Let me know what you think and if you like we can develop your lesson plans here on the forum one step at a time. By the way, you can show your students our forum and site and have them complete some of our tests starting with our Assessment Test.

Then, move on to the materials in the IT section.


[quote=“Torsten, post:2, topic:153146”]
Senior Torsten

La introduccion, estas muy bien ,

First, have them brainstorm reasons why they should work on improving their English. If you like, we can do this exercise together beforehand here on the forum. Next, have them create a keyword list describing their IT background including reasons why they have chosen IT as their field of expertise.

I also like the point let them present how they learned English in the past and what are their strategies for the future. I know podcasts and you are partners in crime, but do you that even Batman and Deadpool can help them learn English. There are movies, series, documentaries and for nerdiest nerds among them, an ancient thing called books.


Cześć Panie Michael, jak się masz? How was your #EnglishForFuture trip to Hanover?


Dobre Vecer Pane Torsten, mam velmi dobre lekce v Hannovere. Byl v vlake do lipske. Na Ceste internety je spatny.

Nemluvim Polsky ale mluvi Anglisky, trochu Cesky a Spanelsky.


Senior Torsten ,

the gig in Hannover was very good. I received a very positive feedback by #fitfortorture and the participants. Actually they a band of six group members. One was sick at home . I have taught 5.
As I mentioned before , 5 peeps from 4 nations. ( Syria,Iran, Poland, Lithuania).So being lost in languages or stumlbe from one into the other is and will be big thing for them .