What would you do if you had complete control over any aspect of your life?

What does the following sentence sound like to you? Does it sound natural?

‘What would you do if you had complete control over any aspect of your life?’


The “any” sounds a bit odd. I mean, I think I have complete control over what tv shows I watch - does that count?


Good question, how about we replace any with every? I mean, wouldn’t having control over every single aspect of your life be a compelling goal?

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There would be nobody to blame if things don’t go the way you like! But seriously, since I have been in sort of a mid-life crisis mode lately, it is a very interesting question. I feel like there is very little that I am in control of, most of my life seems to be facilitating others, and I tend to cede much of the control to them.


Torsten, to me, if you use every, it will be acceptable since ‘any’ sounds odd. The word any suits here: What would you do if you didn’t have complete control over any aspect of your life? More usually, ‘any’ is used in negative sentences.


Any aspect of life won’t get completed till we master of the subject what we learn.

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