What is the meaning of 'no dates'?

His mother punished him for something and would not let him leave home except to go to school. No movies, no parties, no dates, etc.

What is the meaning of ‘no dates’?

date - a social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character

His mom did not allow him to meet with girls while his punishment was in effect.

By the way, we call “a social engagement between two persons that often has a business character” an appointment, e.g.

Can I make an appointment with Dr. Wall, please?

Is that correct?

The word “appointment” has several meanings. One of them, according to my dictionary, is:

2. An arrangement to do something or meet someone at a particular time and place
It does not have to be social.

I do not meet either my physician or my banker socially, but sometimes I make appointments with them.