Hi, I m fresh here.
Could anyone help me on Web versus Net?
What is the difference between ‘web’ and ‘net’?
When can we use ‘web’, when ‘net’??
Hi, I m fresh here.
Could anyone help me on Web versus Net?
What is the difference between ‘web’ and ‘net’?
When can we use ‘web’, when ‘net’??
Hi testtest
I assume you’re talking about the Internet and the World Wide Web? I also assume you haven’t discovered online dictionaries yet. :lol:
You can find information about the two online.
For example:
Technically speaking, the two are different. The (World Wide) Web might be seen as a part of the (Inter)net.
webopedia.com/DidYouKnow/Int … ternet.asp
But the average “non-expert” with an internet connection probably uses “the Net” and “the Web” interchangeably in many or even most sentences.
One usage difference that comes to mind would be “I have a high speed Internet connection”. (I would not use “web” in that sentence.)