What is the correct version: TV or T.V or tv


I have seen all versions. Could you please tell me about the most authentic?
(Perhaps I discussed it once before!?)

Many thanks


TV, Tom :lol:

Thanks, Pamela

I think we need Alan–because I have often seen him write “tv”. Let’s share his valuable opinion.


An abbreviation is never ‘authentic’, Tom.

Incidentally, the one I like best is ‘telly’. And I’ll save our American friends the task of saying that they never use that word.

Abberviations are usually spelt with capital letters - sinse TV is the choice.

The Oxford Dictionary capitalizes both letters, Tom, and so does Webster’s.
So, I think if you stick with capitalization, you can’t go wrong. :wink:

Personally, I think the second worst thing you could do would be to use two periods/full stops in this abbreviation (" T.V. “). And the very worst thing you could do would be to use only one period/full stop (” T.V "). :shock:

Many many thanks to all of you–Amy, Conchita and others.
I am very grateful.


Could I please reuqest you to share your opinion on this one too? In fact, I started writing “tv” after I read your posts here:

new word: ideation

and here:

What is the rule in this case?

Do you always prefer this version or use it casually?



Hi Alan

Just stumbled on this.

Could you please give your input?

