I was reading The Guardian today and saw one person asking an interesting question: what is the back of the knee called in English? I doubt there is a word for this…
I yahooed “knee pit” and I found this, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knee
The term is popliteal fossa but we can also call it knee pit, although I prefer to use back of the knee.
Thanks! For such an interesting question.
Never heard of it; I just call it the back of my knee.
Thanks to all of you for your suggestions… If it was not too late we could offer our answer to The Guardian weekly…
Another term for it is the ‘ham of the knee’, apparently.
Never thought of giving it a name before.
But it’s not hollow.
It would have turned my legs to jelly if my hollows of the knees were hollow.
Are you referring to the ambiguity of the word “hollow”?