What is that mean vs What does that mean?

Hi English users!
I’d like to know if it is correct to say, “what is that mean?”. Becuase for me it would be much better to say “What does it mean”. Although, I hear a lot of people saying “what is that mean?”. Correct me if I’m wrong…

Thank you…

Of course What does that mean is the correct sentence. Mean is a notion verb so does is the best auxiliary.

Ok…Thanks. However, I’d like to know if when pronouncing them sound similar…or it’s just slang…


Hello Sergio,

It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

You are correct when you say that native speakers often pronounce the word [does] /dʌz/ in the sentence “What does that mean?” /'wʌ ,dəz ᶞɑt 'min ?/ almost similar to the word [is] /ɪz/.

This is due to the weak and strong forms employed in spoken English.

It’s also not unusual for “what does” to be contracted to “what’s” in spoken English. Thus, in spoken English the contraction “what’s” could mean “what is”, “what has” OR “what does”. (Most of the time, though, it will probably be “what is”.)

[size=75]“Men and women belong to different species and communications between them is still in its infancy.” ~ Bill Cosby[/size]

Hi Amy,

Nice to see you again and thank you very much for your ever-beneficial comments, and quotations like this time:

Oh how true it is! But is it true between you and me??? :slight_smile:
Please let me modify it a little: :slight_smile:

Two of a trade belong to the same species but communications between them is still in its infancy.

Sorry for the rubbish! :slight_smile:

All the best,
