What is a stove?

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #185 [color=blue]“Verb Tense Practice (2)”, question 4

I my hand on a hot stove yesterday.

(a) burn
(b) burning
(c) burned
(d) burns

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #185 [color=blue]“Verb Tense Practice (2)”, answer 4

I burned my hand on a hot stove yesterday.

Correct answer: (c) burned

What is it Stove So as I understand its a non. Am I correct.

Yes, you are. For more information please read this:

TOEIC short conversations: A woman is sending a bulk order to India[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi everyone!
That’s quite strange:
I’ve been taught these forms of the irregular verb: burn-burnt-burnt. Is it wrong?

Both forms are acceptable, DEA. There are several verbs in transition, i.e. that have both regular and irregular forms: learned/learnt, spelled/spelt, sneaked/snuck, wedded/wed, etc.

Well, I get it. Thank you!