Hi, I’m a new member and student in Torsten’s new English course in Nordhausen.
I’d like to know is a pichter only a ‘jug’ or a unit of measurement too.
You are correct Frank. A pitcher is just that. A jug for carrying liquids.
or a baseball player
Beer is what springs to my mind when I hear the word pitcher.
/* gets slowly into the weekend mood */
Daemon, surely Tankard is more fitting.
Both a jug and a pitcher are for carrying liquids, but they don’t look the same.
A pitcher always has a lip for pouring the liquids, like this one:
A jug is usually like a fat bottle, and it may not have a pouring lip, as you see here:
That’s what I have in my mind prior to a liquid carrier, who ‘carries’ a ball at a very high speed, i.e. up to approx. 100 miles/h, like Daisukei.
i think its only a jug …
I don’t understand what you’re saying.
Thanks to all.
I heard the word ‘pitcher’ at first time when I was in Alaska, Yukon and British Columbia in 1993. Of course, I know, that a pitcher is also a baseball player. I though that a ‘pitcher’ is a special unit of measurement for pubs or restaurants.
Thank you
A pitcher is not a formal unit of measurement, but informally you may hear it used along with “glass” or “mug” as a rough measurement for beer. The problem is that there is no formal definition of how much a pitcher contains. Some bars have bigger pitchers, and some have smaller ones. So all you know is that a pitcher of beer may contain roughly five or six glasses.
Hi Jamie,
thanks a lot for your information.
Best regards