What ever happened to the Swedish Eriksen (MK ULTRA?) Suicide twins

Well I need something to “jump start” the holiday cobwebs
And this is no laughing matter for the faint hearted.
Go away now while you still can - this might mess with your head.

[color=black]BBC Documentary Madness in the Fast lane

I found this …

Ref:- Madness in the Fast lane
Miles Johnston
Investigative Researcher
Project Mannequin

Dear —
This excellent documentary illustrates clearly issues regarding Mind Control, and the Super Soldier programmes, illustrated by a number of witnesses to very Highly Disturbing data being released, over the last 15 or more years by Barry king and James Casbolt. I remain the ONLY researcher to get them on video.

This is HIGHLY disturbing, and is EXACTLY what Casbolt and King talk about.
In Brief, I note:- The notes below are just a set of pointers.

These women scream “They will take our organs”. Sabrina is familiar with the Cells, look the way she behaves.
They have been underground, and may be part of the Monarch/Mannequin programs, or something similar.

This is possible evidence of the Generated Life Forms, the theft of organs, and the underground labs perhaps?! REF:- BASES

Their Behaviour is “SELF TERMINATE”, “Don’t get Captured.”

Its important the man she killed was ex RAF.
If he told her he was RAF, there is no surprise she killed him.

The RAF are involved with this super soldier programme. See RAF Welford and PEASEMORE.
Abductees, or MIL-ABS are treated terribly by their military captures, and it is no surprise Sabrina reacted by killing him, so fast, and so effectively. The Police man being “nice talked” would have been in similar danger, if she got a weapon. She was on programme at all times. She will be perfectly safe, if De-Programmed.
These women can be treated in the most terrifying way to induce the mind state they are programmed in.
See Cathy O’Brien, TRANCE-Formation.

I would be willing to provide any further data, as these two women are clear examples of this programme:-
The involvement of selected children abducted for mind control, and use in super soldier programmes.
Their extreme strength is an example of how immensely strong the human body can be, but also their “Self terminate” commands, so familiar with Mind Control super soldiers, when “captured” as you can see this woman required 6 or more people to be subdued).

But when she saw the camera, she screamed Help. It seems they are doing this with a highly complex set of commands, to get data out to a Film Crew.
That’s why she screamed help, when she was aware of being on camera, knowing the Police were capturing her again. Their behaviour was completely rational based on the circumstances they believed they were in. These police were being used by their program controllers, who probably sent them on this mission in the first place.
They at all times responded to the TV cameras, and motor way cameras.

This is a Demonstration of power, by their controllers.

Imagine a massive army of these women, able to survive such injuries and still fight.

I suggest you wake up on this big time.

This case is a window into the terrifying issues of Mind Control, the use of cloned “Programmable Life Forms”.

It could be these two women have been specifically directed to Demonstrate this program , in clear plane site.

This is a huge alarm bell, you need to investigate.

If you are not already in the project, and doing so by making this programme, as noted in your use of lights, flash images and soft focus.
In many respects this programme is loaded with programming imagery.
Thus I suspect it strongly.

Miles Johnston

[size=150][color=black]Sabina & Ursula Twins: Psychosis Or Paranormal?[/size]

Sabina & Ursula Eriksson are two Swedish twins that shocked the medical world a few years back. The case begins when CCTV operators spot the women walking along the M6 motorway in Birmingham, UK. To the horror of the operators, they watch as both women fling themselves onto oncoming traffic. With no serious injuries, the women stand on the side of the road. Once the officers approach the women, the situation goes completely out of control. While being questioned, the women escape from the police and run again onto incoming traffic. All this, while the cameras from a reality television show were rolling.

What had possessed the women to act in such manner? A suicide pact? As it turns out, the worse was yet to come. Upon being released, Sabina Eriksson killed a man by stabbing him in the chest. She then ran off into the motorway again, smashing her head with a hammer as she ran through the streets.

The BBC documentary dives into the mysterious case that stumped paramedics, police and 7 million viewers through the media. Most interesting is seeing how the courts struggled on how to deal with this sort of case.

This strange case has stirred up plenty of conversations on whether the twins were victims of each others delusional psychosis or some other mental illness (Bouffée délirante). I’ve even read talks about demonic possession and government mind control drugs. The psychotic episodes of a person can be construed as paranormal by many. And in that sense, the paranormal can be construed by psychotic episodes.

Not only but also…

To be released on the 12-12-12 - A Madness Shared by Two, is not only the true untold story about the lives of Sabina and Ursula Eriksson, alongside the murder of Glenn Hollinshead, based on a critique re-examination of the BBC’s Madness
in the Fast Lane documentary, it is also the result of a thorough investigation into what might have really happened on those fateful days that led up to this tragic slaying of an innocent man. We challenge the “Official Storyline” and expose what really occurred just hours before M6 dash, for it is here for the first time we expose the Eriksson sisters were “arrested” under the Mental Health Act, though this vital caught on film evidence was edited out of the original BBC films. This will come as a great surprise to many people who questioned; ‘…how was it possible Sabina could have been released from hospital after only five hours’ following their ‘suicide attempt’ on the M6? We also reveal that the coroner’s report shows that the injuries inflicted on Glenn, indicate more than one person probably killed him and that Sabina could be totally innocent. Yet this obvious evidence seems to have been brushed under the carpet, or at the very least, it was never challenged. We explain how these twins were very likely embroiled in a major drugs smuggling ring and that they had been under “Obbo” [police observation] prior to the M6 incident, and was probably so for quite some period of time. As a result of our findings, legal action is now being sought and brought against the police and other related authoritative bodies by the Hollinshead family

You are delusional, only seeing what you want to see. “Killing him, so fast, and so effectively.” She stabbed him 5 times and he was able to make it outside and tell his neighbor. “They responded to the TV cameras”. They were delusional and thought the police were enemies, seems logical in that state if seeing a camera they would ask for help. Also, they both had husbands and children, and were only away from them for 2 days before these events unfolded.


That being said, its a fucking weird and illogical case as a whole. Wish the UK/Sweden had less restrictive privacy laws so we could actually get some answers/medical history/family history/where they are now. I read somewhere that Sabina was released from prison and went missing immediately after.