What does " You got the shoes that I like" implies?

Recently, there’s a video quite popular. A boy called Megatron in a movie town “Daddy” jokingly. So Megatron said" You got the shoes that I like"
Does it really meant that Megatron likes the shoes or just implied that Megatron liked the " role" which the boy gave him?


Without further context it’s very hard to tell, but I think it’s an allusion to the phrase ‘try walking in my shoes’, so yes, he’s probably referring to the role the boy gave him.


I found the video easily. It takes place at a Megatron personal appearance.
A little fan calls him “Daddy”.
It sounds like the Megatron actor says:
“Daddy? Did you just call me Daddy?”
“You’ve got issues that I like.”
“We’ll talk.”

Surprised to be called “Daddy”, It sounds like the actor is trying to ad lib a joke, maybe tying it to the term “daddy issues”.
It’s funny to the crowd simply because it is so out of character for bad guy Megatron.


Thanks a lot! I thought that was “shoes”, now it’s clear :+1: :love_you_gesture:

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Thanks a lot! I thought that was “shoes”, now it’s clear :+1: :love_you_gesture:

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