What does the idiom "You got me there" mean?

What does the idiom “You got me there” mean?
What are the usages of this idiom?

Here is the definition:

Hi, Thanks.
Does anyone know something more about the usages?

Does anyone know something more about the usages?
You’ve got me there, Richard!

That’s a typical usage. You have asked a question that I cannot answer (Well, I can, obviously… but I’m pretending I can’t), so my reply is ‘You’ve got me there’ This basically means "You’ve asked me something I don’t know the answer to.)

How many kilometres is it from here to Cairo?
You’ve got me there. I’ve never even thought about it.

What time will they be arriving?
You’ve got me there. I didn’t ask.

Where’s your mother gone?
You’ve got me there.

Hi Richard,

It’s worth noting that when the expression is used as an immediate response you would use ‘You’ve got me there.’ In your question you wrote: ‘You got me there’. In that case it would have to apply to a past event as in: When you asked me last night for the meaning of that word, I must admit you well and truly got me there.
