What does the expression 'on caravan' mean?

Hi, can you please tell me what ‘on caravan’ means in the following sentence?

On caravan, no one from the office had the slightest idea.

Many thanks,

Doesn’t mean anything to me. If it came from a mobile phone or similar device, I’d suspect that the predicted text function threw up the word ‘caravan’ instead of the correct word and the sender didn’t notice.

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“No one from the office had the slightest idea what caravan contained.”
What is the meaning of this sentence?

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Hi Bev, the phrase appears in the movie ‘Panic Room’. Here is some more of the dialog:

Is this room smaller than it should be?

You’re the first person to notice.

On caravan, no one from our office had the slightest idea.

It’s called a panic room.

  • What?

  • A safe room.

Does this help?

TOEIC listening, photographs: Just checking

Not at all, sorry.
If you’re looking at a transcript, I suspect someone might have misheard the original.

EDIT: See post below.

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That sentence is incorrect and should be
No one from the office had the slightest idea what the caravan contained.

No one (from the office) knew what was inside the caravan.

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I just found that dialogue in the trailer. The phrase ‘On caravan’ doesn’t exist. It’s just:

  • Is this room smaller than it should be?
  • You’re the first person to notice. No one from our office has the slightest idea.

It’s at 0.23 to 0.30:

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It seems that part of the man’s line was left out of that trailer. He does say something there where it kind of sounds as if he says “on caravan”, but I’m unable to figure out what it is. (It doesn’t help that the sound is rather faint too – at least on my computer.)

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I found it!
Apparently a “caravan” is where a group of real estate agents visit several properties that are on the market to learn more about them. To “go on caravan” is to join this group of real estate agents:

wisegeek.com/in-real-estate- … aravan.htm


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Well that’s cleared that up.
Had you heard of ir previously, Luschen? I wonder how widespread the phrasing and use is.

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I had never heard it before I Googled it. It sounds like special real estate broker lingo, although I have watched a lot of real estate programs on TV and not even heard it there.

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Interestingly enough, if you google ‘on caravan’ now the first result is an article about Trump’s reaction to the caravan of migrants moving towards the US border.