What does "one more go" mean? Is it an idiom?

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-26 “The Bells”, question 5

I’ll have one more and then…

(a) come
(b) find
(c) go
(d) leave

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-26 “The Bells”, answer 5

I’ll have one more go and then…

Correct answer: (c) go

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
I’ll have one more come and then…

one more try? kind of?

Yes, one more go means one more try.

I’ll have one more go and then…

Why employ the “go” here but not the other.

pls help me


I’m not sure is this question is entirely fair. Although the answer would be the most accepted one, “have one more go” is almost an idiom since go wouldn’t be used in place of try except i n the instance of saying something like the phrase above. Maybe I’m answering out of context, is that a test on somewhat improper but commonly used English phrases?

Jerome, it is the most regularly used form in England.

Have a go = Make an attempt.

Many thanks for you Mr. Kitosdad and all members.
In evry test there is may be one idiom or more, it is on purpose just to increase our storage of idioms ,that is is normal, just keep it simple.

Dear tutor,
I really don’t understand the meaning and grammar stucture of this question " I will have one more go and then". Is it a idiom? What does this mean and in which context is it used? Any similar sentences or same grammar stuture?
I am looking forward to your reply!

“I will have one more go and then…” is an unfinished sentence.

Also, your question has a few errors in it. Here are my corrections:

I really don’t understand the meaning and grammar structure of the question: “I will have one more go and then.” Is it an idiom? What does it mean and in what context is it used? Are there any other sentences that are similar or have the same grammatical structure?

this is the good way of learning!

Hi Ellesbells,
Thanks so much for your corrections. It is really useful.

Many thanks


I’ll have one more go is new thing for me. Could you please explain it by giving some more exaples.


I’ll have one more go = I’ll try once more

I’ll have one more go at this puzzle and if I can’t do it, I’ll give up.
I can’t get this bolt off. I’ll have one more go then I’ll have to call someone in.
You missed the target. Would you like to have one more go?
Mum told the children, “You can have one more go on the roller-coaster before we have to leave.”

Is it the following sentence correct? I will have one more go in my learning English, otherwise I will give up my attempts to learning such lungage. Thanks.

I will have one more go at learning English then I’ll give up on learning this language.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: An outdoor gathering[YSaerTTEW443543]

Dear Torsten, again the question above. My idea is: " I will have one more go in my English learning, or in case of failure, I will give up my study of English. By the way, please, look up my progress report and, if possible, send me feedback of my performance. I will be grateful. Regards.

You Cristov, the correct phrase is ‘to have a go at’ not ‘in’. As for your progress report, it looks pretty good and I suggest you start completing the listening exercises too.

Many thanks,

TOEIC listening, photographs: A grand piano[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hello Mr. Torsten,
As my computer system was not working , so I could not connect to forum and now I can not listen to Toeic listening exercises . The computer technician messed up . I am not getting any mail from you .

Thank you

I was thinking about using the word (more) , normally we used it before an adjective not before verb , in this case I selected the word (leave) as the meaning of vacation ,so
I’ll have one more leave/vacation and then. (Both might be noun)
Is right to use the word (more) before verb

Thanks for your guidance in learning English

Hello Muain,

This question is part of a whole set and when you look at them as a whole it should be obvious that the question doesn’t refer to ‘leave’ as a noun (vacation). I understand your thought process though. Taken in isolation, your answer and explanation would be reasonable.

In this question, the verbs don’t work, but ‘go’ is not a verb here - it is a noun.

go (noun) = an attempt or trial at something.
one more go = one more try