What does 'losing patience' mean?

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/inter-76 “Christmas Postman (3)”, question 2

After about two hours of this my internal battery started to get low and I found myself losing .

(a) patients
(b) patents
(c) patters
(d) patience

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/inter-76 “Christmas Postman (3)”, answer 2

After about two hours of this my internal battery started to get low and I found myself losing patience.

Correct answer: (d) patience

Your answer was: [color=green]correct

pls explain the whole meaning of this sentence for I do not get the essence?

This means: After about two hours I was beginning to feel weak and tired and I was starting to feel as if I didn’t want to do any more because I didn’t have any more patience left.