What does insidious mean?

English Language Tests, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #885 [color=blue]“Bedbugs!”, question 7

Not surprisingly, when higher standards of hygiene were as well as providing public education of the dangers of the bugs, steps were taken to destroy all kinds of insects that invaded people’s lives.

(a) constant
(b) implemented
(c) fastidious
(d) finalized

English Language Tests, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #885 [color=blue]“Bedbugs!”, answer 7

Not surprisingly, when higher standards of hygiene were implemented as well as providing public education of the dangers of the bugs, steps were taken to destroy all kinds of insects that invaded people’s lives.

Correct answer: (b) implemented

What does insidious mean?

Don’t you have a DICTIONARY?

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Hello I say why we say the insidious bedbugs

When I first saw a bad bug , it was climbing very slowly upwards on the wall. I immediately knew this is the bedbug. Its colour was reddish, its size and form like a lentil. I heard about earlier how it looked like. Then I was 19 year-old. I lived in small lodgings from 200 km from my parents. It was a horrible spectacle. I got frightened. This night was very long for me- when I slept for a while I dreamed surrealist nightmare. In the morning I went to the post office to phone to my parents, I thought that they could help me. What they helped they tried to console me. It happened in 1960.

In 1967 we got a flat from the council, then I was already married and I had a 4 year-old daughter and I expected my second child. In this flat was 3 pieces of beautiful, old leather-upholstered furniture. It was for sale. We would have sold them but my husband examined them under the leather, because of bedbugs.

You can’t imagine what we saw. Under the leather there were hundreds of bedbugs in a hibernated state.They looked like than confetti they didn’t have body.

That’s why the people say that they are insidious because they can live in this state for more years if they have not anything to eat. ( This flat was empty for three years before we got it.)

Of course we didn’t buy this furniture, and we told its testamentary heir to take away this furniture from this flat very quickly and burn them. We told them:
" Because they are seemingly dead until somebody begins to use these furniture and bedbugs rise again.

I’m sorry, it isn’t a beautiful story that it was true.

Kati Svaby

To the remark: why they are insidious?
Found bed bug in laptop ! (About.com)