You say ‘Bye for now’ when you leave somebody. The verb ‘to buy’ sounds the same but means ‘to purchase something.’ So to answer your question, ‘bye for now’ is correct in the given context.[YSaerTTEW443543]
TOEIC listening, photographs: A rocket[YSaerTTEW443543]
I do hope this session helps you improve your listening skills. Buy for now.
in the above sentence I think the error is in the verb help which should be “will help”.
am I right or wrong?
helps - present and future help,
will help - help only in the future, not immediately,
so to use ‘helps’ rather than ‘will help’ is correct. The only error in the sentence is the spelling of the word ‘b u y’, which, in this sentence, needs to be written 'b y e ’
is a statement of good wishes about the improvement. The addition of ‘do’ in ‘I do hope’ could justify the use of ‘will help’ as it’s in line with the wish that the session is going to be of use.