What does "bye for now" mean?


Test No. [color=blue]errors/elem-14 “Listen and Improve Your English”, question 10

I do hope this session helps you improve your listening skills. Buy for now.

(a) do
(b) helps
(c) Buy

Test No. [color=blue]errors/elem-14 “Listen and Improve Your English”, answer 10

I do hope this session helps you improve your listening skills. Bye for now.

Correct entry: Bye
The error was: (c) Buy

What is “Bye for now”?
Terminator :evil:

‘Bye’ is short for ‘Goodbye’ and ‘buy for now’ is similar to ‘See you soon’ or Пока, До скорого.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A smiling girl[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi! What is correct? ‘Bye’ fot now or’ buy’ for now

terminator :evil:

Hi Terminator,

You say ‘Bye for now’ when you leave somebody. The verb ‘to buy’ sounds the same but means ‘to purchase something.’ So to answer your question, ‘bye for now’ is correct in the given context.[YSaerTTEW443543]

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Hi Torsten!
I forgot to say! It is great that you sometimes use Russian words! I am planning to learn this language soon.
Terminator :evil:

I think we should use " will help" in this sentence instead of “help”?
would you tell me why will help is wrong in this sentence.
thanks alot

In what sentence, Farnaz?

I do hope this session helps you improve your listening skills. Buy for now.
in the above sentence I think the error is in the verb help which should be “will help”.
am I right or wrong?

helps - present and future help,
will help - help only in the future, not immediately,

so to use ‘helps’ rather than ‘will help’ is correct. The only error in the sentence is the spelling of the word ‘b u y’, which, in this sentence, needs to be written 'b y e ’

Hi Farnaz,

It’s true to say that

is a statement of good wishes about the improvement. The addition of ‘do’ in ‘I do hope’ could justify the use of ‘will help’ as it’s in line with the wish that the session is going to be of use.


Native speakers normally use simple present for future in dependent clauses, Farnaz. ‘Will help’ is not wrong, but ‘helps’ is more right.

Dear Alan, Mister Micawber
thank you so much for your complete answers. I was confused. but now I got it.
with Best Regards

Hi Farnaz, please also note the correct spelling of ‘a lot’. Many thanks, Torsten[YSaerTTEW443543]

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thanks a lot

You’re welcome ;-).[YSaerTTEW443543]

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