"We are still searching for the murder suspect. He ..... bail and we believe he is trying to sneak into Mexico. If you have any information as to his whereabouts, please call us," Sergeant O'Brian said to the reporter on television.

"We are still searching for the murder suspect. He ..... bail and we believe he is trying to sneak into Mexico. If you have any information as to his whereabouts, please call us," Sergeant O'Brian said to the reporter on television. (*) jumped (*) jammed (*) joisted (*) jousted

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/14179,we-are-still-searching-for-the-murder-suspect-he-___-bail-and-we-believe-he-is-trying-to-sneak-into-mexico-if-you-have-any-information-as-to-his-whereabouts-please-call-us-sergeant-obrian-said-to-the-reporter-on-television/