Vocabulary, sentences, correct me if my grammar is wrong

Hello everyone
I hope those vocabulary is new for you as me.
I learn this new vocabulary and try to put them in sentences
So please let’s discuss and correct :heavy_check_mark: my wrong sentences

Privilege (n)

Some people have privilege in their life, such as flexibility in thinking.

Complicated (adj)

Last month, our job was so complicated.

Ghost writer (n)

Cook book usually is writing by ghost writer.

Clans ( n)

I saw people lived together, and I think they are a clan.

Monetize ( v)

Researcher roles is monetize their research.


People monetize the company’ brand.

Agent (n)

When crews faceing problems, they usually speak with their agent.

Incredible ( adj)

Last night, the food was incredible.

Sacrificing ( n)

Do your responsibilities at work without sacrificing.

Replicate (v)

The fashion magazine was not replicated the pictures in social media.

Inaccurate (adj)

The statistics of research were inaccurate.

Passion (n)

Passion is making students successful.

Reservation (n)

The guests of the hotel make an online reservation before they come.

Reverse (v)

Sara reverses her schedule to be at home in the morning.


Some people have privileges in their life, such as flexibility in thinking.


Cook books usually are written by ghost writers.

I saw people living together, and I think they are a clan.

The researchers’ goal is to monetize their research.

Can you please explain what you want to say with this sentence?

When crews are facing problems, they usually speak with their agent.


Complete the tasks you are responsible for at work without sacrificing yourself.

The fashion magazine didn’t replicate the pictures in social media.

The research statistics turned out to be inaccurate.



Sara schedules her day in a way that allows her to be at home in the morning.


Hello everyone, I hope these vocabulary words are as new for you as they are for me. I’m learning these words by using them in sentences. So, let’s discuss and correct those of my sentences that are wrong. :heavy_check_mark:


Hi Torsten,
Sorry I don’t know how to quote the word
Thank you for your efforts and I have some questions

  • cook books usually are written by ghost writer.
    You use verb in Past Participle instead simple past.
    Does that because the sentence in passive voice?

  • I saw people living…
    could you please explain why you add ing to verb?

For monetize word I mean critic . I mean if people do not satisfy about brand they will critic it.
Thank you

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And the sentence of replicate word
Why did you use did not was?

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Just mark the passage you want to quote and click on the ‘quote’ button that appears on top of the text.

Is this because it’s passive voice? Yes, it is.

“People living…” means 'people who lived". “Living” is used an adjective here.

If the customers are not happy with the product, they will criticize it.


Thank you for your answer and I appreciate your efforts.


You are welcome, Maha. Keep your questions coming, we’ll be more than happy to answer them. :+1: :heavy_check_mark:

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For the word “critic” you could also use “critique”. As critic, is a person who criticizes. Depending on what exactly you want to say.


Hi Ryan, thank you very much for pointing out the fact that are actually are two verbs having a similar meaning: to critique and to criticize. :+1:

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Thank you for everyone
Sorry to be late. We were celebrating in Eid Al adha.