Virant usage of TRANSPIRE

-He doesn’t know exactly what transpired between them before they fought.

Why does some native speakers consider the use of the bolden text in this way to be wrong in such context?

What is the intended purpose of writing “transpired” in bold?

It means ‘happened’. By the way, the title of your post doesn’t make any sense. What is ‘virant usage’ supposed to mean?

TOEIC listening, talks: Announcing special offers in clothes store

Hi, Dozy.

I mean the following:

He doent know exactly what WENT ON or HAPPENED before they fought.

Instead of HAPPENED or WENT ON, some people sometimes use TRANSPIRED instead. Which some native speaker consider it to be wrong.
I want to know why TRANSPIRED is considered wrong in such context by some natives.

I hope is clear Dozy.

Who are the ‘some native speakers’?

Eben also seems to confuse the terms ‘native speaker’ and ‘native’.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Owner of car dealership is promoting their vehicles and special offers[YSaerTTEW443543]

Sorry Ebenezer I misunderstood your question. The usage note at the bottom of the following page may be useful: … /transpire

I imagine it was supposed to say “variant”.

My phones dic tells me that such looser usage is considered wrong by some native speakers.

Besides the link provided by Dozy, makes it clear that such usage to mean happened or occure is a loose sense to indicate that. And emerged in the 18thcentury.

Torsten, I had the feeling that I have mentioned native speakers already in my writing so I didn’t bother to add speakers to natives since I had in mind that what I want to say has already been established. :slight_smile: