Verb 'to be' is often followed by a particle to from...


Verb to be is often followed by a particle to from a phrasal verb …
this exercise is from "new headway intermediate course " …

1- I think this milk is … . It’s smells horrid .
what can I put there ? can I put " off " …
thanks a lot .

2- I feel like going to the cinema tonight .
good idea ! what’s … at the moment ?
again , what can I put there ? can I put " on" …

thanks a lot .


Hi Hercules,

You’re quite right in both cases. The milk is off or has gone off means it has gone bad. What’s on at the cinema? means what film is showing there?


Thanks a lot Alan

but is it right to say that ??:

I feel like going …

I’m wondering about how can why put two verbs “I Feel like …” together without make any grammar change in like !!!

could you explain it ? please …

Thanks a lot again

Hi Hercules,

The word like in that sentence is not a verb and so it doesn’t change. I feel like going really means: I feel as if I want to go.
