Could you please tell me if the use of the word rather correct in the given sentence? Is it there for emphasis?
1- This is rather the content of the lesson, not how you plan to teach it.
Could you please tell me if the use of the word rather correct in the given sentence? Is it there for emphasis?
1- This is rather the content of the lesson, not how you plan to teach it.
Hi Tom,
I don’t like the use of rather in your sentence and would use more like instead.
Many thanks, Alan
OK, I would use more like in the given sentence instead of rather.
Just one question: Is it grammatically incorrect or grammatically correct but odd?
Hi Tom,
It’s not really a question of grammar - it just doesn’t make sense to me!
The use of ‘rather’ in your sentence seems to me to be both grammatical and intelligible. You just need to provide some context before this sentence. For example:
A: How are you going to present your material?
B: Well, let me show you what I’ve written down.
A: (reading paper with topics to be presented) This is rather the content of the lesson, not how you plan to teach it.
B: What do you mean?
A: Well, are you going to lecture, use Socratic method, do a power point presentation, show a film, or something else altogether?