Usage of "the letter box made up"

English Language Tests, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #76 [color=blue]“Christmas Postman (3)”, question 7

The shouts of joy coming from some houses as I put the mail through the letter made up for the discomfort and.

(a) space
(b) line
(c) box
(d) opening

English Language Tests, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #76 [color=blue]“Christmas Postman (3)”, answer 7

The shouts of joy coming from some houses as I put the mail through the letter box made up for the discomfort and.

Correct answer: (c) box

box = correct , but what does the end of the sentence mean ? …Frage:
verstehe das Ende des Satzes nicht : das “and.” mit Punkt am Ende.

Die Freudenschreie…haben das Unbehagen wettgemacht.

And yes, there MUST be a typo / Druckfehler. Firstly because you absolutely CANNOT end a sentence in English with “and.” (You wouldn’t say in German “haben das Unbehagen und wettgemacht.”) and secondly the story continues with the next question. Therefore is the dot “.” towards “and” false. It`s not so much a question of my behaviour as confusing starting learners.

You are right-- something is definitely wrong; a noun seems to have been omitted from the end of the sentence. I don’t have access to that quiz, but someone will repair it ASAP. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.