Usage of "perfunctory"


Which of the following sentences sound normal? If none of them are normal, would you please suggest improvements?

  1. Owing to the perfunctory attention she had paid to the subject during the semester she flunked the exam.
  2. Owing to perfunctory attention she had paid to the subject during the semester she flunked the exam.



I would use (1), Tort, following exactly the same format as if ‘perfunctory’ were not there:
Owing to the attention she had paid…


Thank you Bev!


Because of the superficial attention she had paid to the subject during the semester, she failed the exam.

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Using the word perfunctory is never normal. A significant portion of the population would not even know what the word means. A much larger portion would not be able to properly use it in a sentence.

People are also highly unlikely to use “owing to”. “Due to” is more common. “Because” is even more common.

She failed the test because she wasn’t paying attention in class.
She failed the test because she didn’t study.
She failed the test because she didn’t do her homework.


I think perfunctory is more common in writings by academics.

While this is perfectly correct, many people might say something like:
“Because of the lack of attention she paid to the subject…”

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