'Undo' knitting – what verb do you use for that?


Sorry for such a stupid question, but I actually need it – a verb to name the operation :slight_smile:

Well, when (if :)) you ‘undo’ knitting (i.e., change knitted fragment or even a whole knitted thing, entirely, to skein again) – what verb do you use to name for the operation?

Hi Tamara,

Can’t call myself a knitter but ‘undo’ is fine.


PS: for stitching it could also be ‘unpick’.

Unbraid, untwist?

Hi Tamara

The first verbs that came to my mind were pull out, rip out and ravel/unravel.
The all-purpose word undo also works. :smiley:

But look what I found! :wink:


What about unseam?


Hi Tom

If you unseam something you pull open or rip apart two pieces of fabric where they have been sewn together. You could also say open the seam.

Tamara is talking about unraveling the strands of yarn that make the “knit fabric” itself.

When you’re in the process of knitting something, there aren’t any seams (yet).

Have you ever done any knitting or sewing?



Oh… thank you all for so much new words!

Amy, you’re so kind with your look :slight_smile:
I can bravely say that for the vast majority of those ‘knitting terms’ I don’t have any clear idea/concept even in my native language :lol:

I like unravel the most (just by how it sounds).
And I still hate phrasal verbs :frowning:
(even ravel out :))

Hi Tamara

I’ve done my share of knitting. Especially when I have to undo a lot of rows, I usually use the phrasal verb rip out. This has a more “aggressive” feel to it whereas unravel has a more passive and relaxed feel to it. And, if I have to undo 50 rows, I don’t usually feel passive or relaxed. :lol:
