In the following article @Sumejja raises a number of very interesting questions and I would like to hear your opinion on them, @Memo34
She says that a universal basic income in combination with universal basic services will help alleviate poverty and create more stability and security in the process. I’d like to add that both UBI as well as UBS are already possible today and all it really takes to implement both instruments is the political will. It’s a fact that we are already living in ‘an economy of abundance’ where we can cover our basic needs at close to zero costs. Modern capitalism thrives on scarcities that are artificially created. Think about it: Almost 50% of the food we produce in the global north gets wasted. We are producing much more than we can ever consume. Poverty creates violence and crime which can turn into war. To prevent this from happening every single one of us needs to become aware of the fact that every single conflict in the world today is artificially created by human beings. UBI and combination with UBS could be the solution to lots of problems, not just poverty.