Hi, in my TOEIC prep texts I have come across this term: brand evangelists. From the context the term appears in I would think that a brand evangelist is somebody who really believes in a certain brand because they think that brand is the best. Is that correct? Thanks in advance. Here is the sentence:
The benefits of blogging are many, but it seems that to build and achieve the best results using blogs, a company must cross a cultural chasm that turns customers into brand evangelists.
Yes, you’re right. Another way to think of a brand evangelist is someone out there in the public, actively marketing and hyping their product or service. Steve Jobs (from Apple) is a great example.
Dear Comenius, thank you for your quick response. Your explanation is very useful for me because you gave me some more information to follow up on. Incidentally, what do you think of branding yourself? I have been checking your website several time recently and noticed that new members are signing up with your service every day. Are you trying to market Openenglishworld as a brand or are you planning to use the website to promote another brand/other brands later on?
Best regards
Hello Spearhead,
Thanks for your question, and visiting our site.
We’re trying to develop Open English World as a brand that students from around the world will view as a great place to find qualified teachers who are available for online, structured, conversational English lessons. We don’t currently plan to actively promote other brands, although we are working with a number of excellent web sites that have a quite a bit of wonderful content. In those cases, we are prominently featuring their brands as the source of the material.
Our venture is still quite young, so I appreciate your comments, and always welcome your feedback.
Hello David,
I’ve just checked your website and I think you are offering a unique service. Because English is a non-phonetic language pronouncing new words can be a challenge. For example, for me it is easier to write a text than to speak fluently because I’m not always sure about the correct pronunciation of certain words. So that’s where your training service kicks in. I was thinking maybe you could also offer some trial sessions to us english-test.net users? Or maybe we could organize a class with 2 to 4 students and we pay a package price in advance. Once a sufficient level of trust has been established you will get lots of students and can attract more teachers too.
Anyway, let me know what you think of this whole idea.
Hello Englishfan,
I just happened upon this posting from several months ago. My apologies for not noticing it earlier!
We would be happy to arrange a free trial for you, or any other member of english-test.net. Please feel free to contact us through our web site.
Best wishes,