TOEIC listening part III, set 20, exercise 10 … _bids.html

  1. There will be a board of directors meeting
    shouldn’t it be:
    There will be a board of directors’ meeting?

  2. I’m not sold on the quality of their work= I don’t like the quality of their work?

  3. they cut too many corners to bring the price down

  4. like using track lighting instead of canned.

  5. they still to get to vote on it= why in bold?

  6. and she thought they did a great job.
    she thought:’ They do a great job’ or she thought:’ they did a gereat job’ - I think
    the first is correct? according to the sequence if tenses (Present Simple changes to Past Simple?

many thanks

  1. it’s acceptable as a ‘label’ or 'title (designation) for the meeting.
  2. yes
  3. they take short-cuts with the work (resulting in a lower quality) in order to keep their prices low.
  4. They are types of light fitting.
  5. It’s a typo. It should be ‘do’. It’s for emphasis.
  6. I’m not sure what you are getting at. Are you saying that you don’t think the original is correct or just trying to turn it back into direct speech? She probably didn’t say it aloud at the time at all. At a later point she would have said “They did a great job”.

please explain:
1.light fitting
2. they still do get to vote on it= why not: they still do vote on it? what does it mean: to get to vote on it?
3. yes, I’m just trying to turn it back into direct speech, so
she thought:’ They do a great job’ ,so she thought they did a great job, or: she thought they do a great job - if it still lasts.
but if:
she thought:’ they did a great job’ , so she though the had done a great job.
do you agree with me?

thanks a lot

  1. Types of light.
  2. The ‘do’ is for emphasis. ‘They still get to vote on it’ becomes ‘they still do get to vote on it’, because the speaker is emphasising the fact. Your option is exactly that - another choice.
  3. It doesn’t really apply as you are trying to turn something that was never direct speech into direct speech.

3.if the reported speech is: ,she thought they did a great job’’ so what is according to you direct speech of this sentence? I was trying to take into consideration the sequence of times!

There wouldn’t have been any direct speech.

Shouldn’t you write:
There wouldn’t have been any direct speeches.
or this and your sentence are ok?

My sentence is correct in answer to your question. ‘Speech’ when used in the phrase ‘direct speech’ is uncountable.


i really eager practice with u so i have finished toefl i need more for practice mail:love_asy