TOEFT ESSAY:Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human

Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

A lot of people fell that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. But in my opinion, we are just destroying the Eearth by our human activity.

With the increasing population in the world, we have only one option: exploitation more to have enough land to build houses. As as consequence, more trees are being cut down, land for culture now decrease. The Earth that we used to proud because of the green colour is disapearing.

Besides, the development of our industrial economic also brings with it a lot of problems. There are more and more factories apearing everywhere. With the smoke emission from the factories, vehicles, etc, we are destroying our global environment.
Not only do we pollute the air but we also pollute water in rivers, oceans. Therefore, we are facing one big problem: the greenhouse effect. If everything keeps going like this, one near day in the future, there will be no life in the Earth.

Last but not least, we are exploiting all minerals: gasoline, oil, wood, etc. Our lives are still depending on natural minerals. Our need becomes too much compared with the minerals. So, when we use up the minerals, we will face another problem: finding the alternative. With our science, we still need 10 to 20 years to find the replacement. But how can we survive to wait till that time? That is still the big question for the scientists around the world

To sum up, our activities has bad influence on the Earth. There are more and more conferences about the ways to improve our environment. If nothing changes, one day we will pay for what we had done to our Earth.

TOEFL listening lectures: A lecture from a social sciences class (3)

hi again :slight_smile:
very interesting topic, and you tend to write rather emotionally, which probably is the reason for some mistakes.

Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

A lot of people fEEll that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. But in my opinion, we are just destroying the Earth by our human activitIES.

With the increasing population OF the world, we have only one option: TO exploit more IN ORDER to have enough land to build houses. As a consequence, more trees are cut down, AND land for THE culture now decreaseS. The Earth that we used to BE proud OF because of ITS green colour, is disappearing.

Besides, the development of our industrial economic also brings with it a lot of problems. There are more and more factories appearing everywhere. With the smoke emission from the factories, vehicles, etc, we are destroying our global environment.
Not only do we pollute the air but we also pollute water in rivers AND oceans. Therefore, we are facing one big problem: the greenhouse effect. If everything keeps going like this, one near day in the future, there will be no life in the Earth.

Last but not least, we are exploiting all minerals: gasoline, oil, wood, etc. Our lives are still depending on natural minerals. (Our need becomes too much compared with the minerals) OUR NEEDS EXCEED THE AVAILABLE NATURAL RESOURCES. So, when we use up the minerals, we will face another problem: finding the alternative. With our science, we still need 10 to 20 years to find the replacement. But how can we survive to wait till that time? That is still the big question for the scientists around the world.

To sum up, our activities HAVE bad influence on the Earth. There are more and more conferences about the ways to improve our environment. If nothing changes, one day we will pay for what we HAVE done to our Earth.

Here I have some corrections and some questions for this interesting topic:

-wood is not a mineral, you’d better use the term ‘natural resources’
-The greenhouse effect naturally exists on earth since its formation. Actually without it the earth would be frozen and not inhabitable, so it definitely is not the factor that will eliminate the life on earth. By human activity’s contribution the earth won’t boil up, but there will be induced some climate instabilities, which still don’t destroy, but change some features.
-So you believe that human activity doesn’t make the Earth a better place to leave for people. It would be better in your opinion for them to
live in the woods rather than at that houses that are built?

Thanks for your correction.
I love the sentence: OUR NEEDS EXCEED THE AVAILABLE NATURAL RESOURCES. I try to express it on my own way and it failed. ^^
I beleive that in some aspect, we make the world better but in general, we destroyed more than we made. That is my own point for this problem.
It is great that you help me to correct it. I hope that you will give a look at my essay next time.
Again, thanks a lot.