Toefl Speaking 12-1 (Unprepared)

Q12 Some people think that it is better to travel as part of a tour group when they are visiting a foreign country. Other people prefer to make their own travel plans so that they can travel independently. Which approach do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion?

I’m sorry. I could not record my first answer.

Q12 Some people think that it is better to travel as part of a tour group when they are visiting a foreign country. Other people prefer to make their own travel plans so that they can travel independently. Which approach do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion?

Q13.What kind of reading materials, such as novels, magagines, or poetry, do you most like to read in your free time? Explain why you find this kind of reading materials interesting.

Q13.What kind of reading materials, such as novels, magagines, or poetry, do you most like to read in your free time? Explain why you find this kind of reading materials interesting.