Dear Everyone,
My name is Kenya. I wish to introduce myself and ask for some advice, in tandem, if I may??
First of all, this forum about ESL is fantastic. I haven’t had time to look at all the topics yet, as you will see, but I finally have to ask for some help as I have given up on all other efforts to help someone pass the TOEFL exam.
I should say that I lived in China for 3 years, until 2001. I met the person who needs help, my wife, while I was studying there. I speak Mandarin, but her spoken English was/is so beautiful, and I was very impressed. Our communication was instantly good in both languages, and is mainly English now…except when we’re in public and mad about something
Ok, enough of that ;0) - Her problem is that she has taken and failed, including today, the TOEFL test 6 or 7 times now. Her scores get better, then worse, then better, etc. She has always had a good enough score to get into an undergrad university, but since she has a degree from China and has been working in her field since we moved back here, she is trying to get into Grad school. They have all but accepted her into the school; they have her transcripts, done an interview, knows the director of the program, etc., but she has to score 215. There are no exceptions - not 214, no favoritism, no pleading with them and that’s how it should be. There’s a reason she has to have a certain score - it’s a full time program and your English has to be good for papers, presentations, etc.
Last year this program had more foreign students than Americans. I met a few of the foreign students, and I just cannot understand how they could have possibly passed the TOEFL with a 215. This was only based on not being able to understand them sometimes and hearing the normal grammar mistakes when they spoke. Maybe they just knew how to take the test. I personally don’t think the TOEFL study books really help one’s English. Studying the grammar, syntax and other rules just load my wife’s brain with too much garbage. But, what do I know? I cannot teach her why a clause goes where it does or what a split infinitive is doing in a sentence nor anything else really. It’s all memorization for me, like most of the people I know, and my grammar isn’t always perfect either. I can’t believe that I would get the wrong answers on a few practice TOEFL tests I took. I have so much more respect for anyone coming to America and trying to pass these exams, let alone the INS tediousness (that’s a whole other forum). Hmmmm…I wish knew some English teachers.
Actually she does pretty well on the grammar/structure, but now it’s the listening comprehension and writing she has a problem with. I have always noticed that no matter how clearly she speaks, when she reads anything in English, out loud, she has a hard time with words she’s not seen. There are just too many words that the English language doesn’t need, no? She also writes very long sentences that should be paragraphs, but no commas, periods…or just the opposite - short sentences with punctuation in the wrong places.
Can anyone help with good resources for tips on listening and writing? I have read a lot and paid for many things via the web that are supposed to help. So much stuff that deos not help. She has the Kaplan, Delta and other texts. really helped her getting better grammar scores, and the TOEFL is “all about the scores,” nothing else as far as I’m concerned. Maybe some of you disagree and that’s ok, I just want her to PASS THE TEST so she can be happy. This Graduate program is odd in that you don’t have to take the GMAT until you’re well into it and that can be at the very end if you want. The GMAT is not exactly easy either.
Thank you all so much for reading all of this, unless you took a nap after the first paragraph, which is quite understandable. grin Bye for now.
Regards to all,
TOEFL listening discussions: Why is the man taking this course?