TOEFL exam takers.

For those taking the TOEFL exam on Saturday.

Approach this test with confidence, not with nervousness, for you have nothing to fear.

You are well prepared and only have to go through the motions of satisfying the examiner of your abilities in reading, writing and speaking English.

You don’t have to be Lord Tennyson or Lord Olivier.

Just do what you have been trained to do, and you will waltz through this exam.

The examiners are human beings, and they know full well that most people are nervous. Allowances will already have been made for this.

This is your opportunity to reach out and grab that prize that you have been working long and hard toward for so very long.

Reach out and grab it!

It is yours for the taking.

Then take your first steps toward your bright and rewarding futures in a well-renowned university.


TOEFL listening lectures: A university lecture by a professor of History
