TOEFL Essay: Serious and entertaining movies

Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
I prefer the serious movies with complicated subject and unpredictable final. And I do that since they provide me new knowledge, fresh emotions and possibilities to change my mind about something or somebody.

It makes a big difference for modern people to spend their time more rationally and I believe that the movie representations should give not only fun but also some kind of knowledge. There is a huge amount of historical, autobiographic and science films which allow me to enjoy the action and learn the history or something else at the same time. It’s also very exciting to talk the first-rate movie about the World War Two or about the Earth’s future over with friends.

Since the invention of the cinema, movie industry has tried to replace any other genres of art like theatre. Since that strong human emotions: love, hate, compassion have often become a core of the contemporary film. For example, you could find all of such passions in the movie “The Godfather”, which unified incredible emotions with the atmosphere of the first half of the twentieth century in the USA. On the other hand in unserious movies, as today’s movies for teenagers, there are numerous cut and dried feelings, but there aren’t deep ones.

It may sound strange, but I obviously confident that a good movie, like a good book or a good advice, could change the life way of a person. The good movie remains in memories for long time, while the movie, designed for entertainment would be forgotten on the next day. If a child seen a film about extinct species of animals and he felt compassion for them he apparently would never be the severe adult.

Probably my opinion is wrong but I suppose that we need more serious movies in the cinemas and on the TV. Not only because of interesting knowledge or feelings, but also as they could radically change our lives.

TOEFL listening lectures: A university lecture on American social history

Nowadays, watching the movie is kind of necessity in my life. Its not secret that watching the movie is part of the my daily life. Recently, there are many movie’s company are vying to make interesting movies to being watch for the ‘movie freaks’. There are many kinds of movie, starts from entertaining movie, mystery, adventure, horror, romance, and especially vampire, the movie that teenagers like recently. I like to watch amusing and entertaining movies, horror, romance, and now, vampire movies. I like to watch them, because of the story, the actors and particularly it makes me feel relax. In this paragraph, I would explain why do I like entertaining and amusing movies. Everyone definitely wants to watch the movie because of the story. The story will depends the movie to being fame. It doesn’t matter whether the background of the movie is 70’s or 90’s, I think as long as the story is good, people would watch it, and so do I. If I watched the movies, whether its entertaining or not, I would see how much its interesting from the story of the movie itself, whether it has relationship from one scene to another scene. Beside of the interesting story, I would see the actors and actresses who play in the movie. If I a fan of my favorite actors or actresses, I would see the movie with enthusiasm. Actually the casts of the movie would depend the movies to being fame or not and to being like for people or not, because most of the watchers are teenager, and adolescents who curious with some movies that have just released. Beside of the two points above, a reason that always I say, if my friend asked me ‘why do I like to watch the movie so much’ is because, movie can make me feel relax. Sometimes I had a bad day, or dizzy with some tasks and the way to help me out is watching the movie. It can distract my mind for a while, and it feels like free from anything. Even though it doesn’t help me at all, but free for a while is what I needed. In conclusion, I like to watch amusing and entertaining movie, especially when the story is good, and also there are the great and my favorite actors and actresses are playing in that movie. I would definitely watch it!

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I prefer the serious movies with complicated subjectS and AN unpredictable finalE. And I do that since they provide me new knowledge, fresh emotions and possibilities to change my mind about something or somebody.

It makes a big difference for modern people to spend their time more rationally and I believe that the movie representations should give not only fun but also some kind of knowledge. There is a huge amount of historical, autobiographic and science films which allow me to enjoy the action and learn the history or something else at the same time. It’s also very exciting to talk WITH FRIENDS ABOUT A first-rate movie about the /World War Two/SECOND WORLD WAR/(,) or about the Earth’s future(.) ver with friends.

Since the invention of the MOVIE CAMERA THE movie industry has tried to replace any other genres of art like theatre, since THOSE strong human emotions: love, hate, compassion have often become a core of the contemporary film. For example, you could find all of such passions in the movie “The Godfather”, which unified incredible emotions with the atmosphere IN the first half of the twentieth century in the USA. On the other hand in FRIVOLOUS movies, SUCH as today’s movies for teenagers, there are numerous cut and dried feelings, but there aren’t deep ones.

It may sound strange, but I AM obviously confident that a good movie, like a good book or a good advice, could change the WAY OF life way of a person. The good movie remains in OUR memories for A long time, while the movie, designed for entertainment would be forgotten on the next day. If a child SAW a film about extinct species of animals and he felt compassion for them he apparently would never be the severe A CRUEL adult.

Probably my opinion is wrong but I suppose that we need more serious movies in the cinemas and on the TV. Not only because of interesting knowledge or feelings, but also THAT they could radically change our lives.
A good strong opinion with good examples. Well done.

Kitos. 8/10