Everytime I play basketball I think when I was young and how I was stupid . I thought that the only way to had fun was to won. So, sometimes I thought to plaing and winning and I forgot to have fun.
Then when I grew up I understood that I was wrong and I started to play just for having fun. That was my best result in the sport, because right now I don’t think that someone could have fun just if he win.
I can find different aspects why I’m not agree with the topic.
First of all the competitiveness. Maybe It’s the real engine of sport but used well. A young guy could confuse the competitiveness with “I must win!”. But I think that the essence of a sport or a game It’s competitiveness. Infact, right now I like to play basketball just because I love to compete with my friends and beat them; just for fun.
Furthermore I think that the sentence “The important it’s PARTECIPATE and not win” should be keeped in everyone’s head. If we think of the real soul of the olimpic games, this phrase rapresents them. Maybe almost 2000 years ago that people found the mean of the games. To partecipate, to compete and just have fun. And when the game it’s over, have fun all together(for example the third time in rugby).
In conclusion I just want to say that win it’s fantastic, makes feel you like a king but it’s not all. Everyone do not forget to have fun and, in my opinion, this sort of conscience rise with the growing up of a person.
PS: HI guys!It’s my fist topic here and I would have some yours opinions and corrections!thanks!
[i]Every time I play basketball I think ABOUT when I was young and how stupid I WAS . I thought that the only way to HAVE fun was to WIN. So, sometimes I thought ABOUT PLAYING and winning and I forgot to have fun.
Then when I grew up I understood that I was wrong and I started to play just TO HAVE fun. That was my best result in sport because right now I don’t think that someone could have fun just if he winS.
I can find different aspects why I DO not agree with the topic.
First of all theRE IS competitiveness. Maybe It’s the real engine of sport but used well. A young guy could confuse competitiveness with “I must win!”. But I think that the essence of a sport or a game IS ITS competitiveness. Inf act, right now I like to play basketball just because I love to compete with my friends and beat them; just for fun.
Furthermore I think that the sentence “The important THING IS TO PARTICIPATE and not win” should be KEPT in everyone’s head. If we think of the real soul of the OLYMPIC games, this phrase REPRESENTS IT. Maybe almost 2000 years ago people found the meanING of the games. To partIcipate, to compete and just have fun. And when the game IS over, have fun all together(for example the third time in rugby).
In conclusion I just want to say that winNING IS fantastic AND makes YOU feel like a king but it’s not all. Everyone SHOULD not forget to have fun and, in my opinion, this sort of conscience INCREASES with A PERSON growing up.[/i]