TOEFL Essay:Many people visit museums when they go to (Kitos, please evaluate it)

Many people visit museums when they go to new places. Why do you think people visit museums?

----Museums play an important role in people’s intellectually development. Obviously, people visit museums when they go to new places because no any places can provide definite facts about the history, culture, art and so on. In the rest of my essay I will provide several reasons to support my view point.

----First and foremost, museums are the places where people can learn new things. Of course, the history or culture of the country is valuable information for the visitors. For example, in the historical museums we get a chance to learn the life conditions of prehistoric people, the tools that they used. Additionally, we get acquaintance with the culture of the certain country. In fact, all these support that why the museums are so important for the visitors.

-----Secondly, in the museums we can see things that enable in the real environment. For instance, last year my friends were in the museum where the famous painting called Mona Lisa was exhibited. Precisely, I can give anything to get a chance to see this fabulous masterpiece because I am found of classic art. Also, in the museums people can observe the skeleton of the extinct animals like dinasors. So, these points that mentioned above show the value of the museums again.

-----Finally, one of the important reasons why do people visit museums when they go to new places is that a certain museum provides essential background about the country they visit. For instance, two years ago we were in Finland and our tourist guide took us to the Helsinki National Museum. There we got information about the Scandinavian people’s life, their culture, arts and so on.

-----To sum up, all theses facts stated above clearly prove people’s purposes who visit museums.

TOEFL listening lectures: A university science lecture on Island Biogeography

Many people visit museums when they go to new places. Why do you think people visit museums?

----Museums play an important role in people’s intellectual development. Obviously, people visit museums when they go to new places because no any places can provide definite facts about the history, culture, art and so on. In the rest of my essay I will provide several reasons to support my view point.

----First and foremost, museums are the places where people can learn new things. Of course, the history or culture of the country is valuable information for the visitors. For example, in the historical museums we get a chance to learn ABOUT the life conditions of prehistoric people AND the tools that they used. Additionally, we get acquaintance with the culture of the certain country. In fact, all these support THE REASON why the museums are so important for the visitors.

-----Secondly, in the museums we can see things that EXISTED in the real environment. For instance, last year my friends were in the museum where the famous painting called Mona Lisa was exhibited. Precisely, I can WOULD give anything to get a chance to see this fabulous masterpiece because I am found FOND of classic art. Also, in the museums people can observe the skeletonS of the extinct animals like dinosaurs. So, these points that I HAVE mentioned above show the value of the museums again.

-----Finally, one of the important reasons why people visit museums when they go to new places is that a certain museum provides essential background about the country they visit. For instance, two years ago we were in Finland, and our tourist guide took us to the Helsinki National Museum. There we got information about the Scandinavian people’s life, their culture, arts and so on.

-----To sum up, all theses facts stated above clearly SHOW THE REASONS WHY PEOPLE visit museums.

A good essay Paranoid.

Kitos. 7.5/10

thx Kitos,my friend