TOEFL essay: Communication through e-mail or telephone or face to face.

Technological advancement can be seen in every aspect of life, since ages. Modes of communication have also improved a lot in the course of time. It varies from situation to situation that which means of communication will serve the best. If there is a business need and the client is sitting at another corner of the world, urgent matters can be discussed through telephone or voice mails. If a quotation or important notification has to be sent to many people, e-mail is the best option. It is accessible anytime, anywhere and also is the fastest way of exchanging information.
Despite of the advantages of the above types of communication, I prefer to have a face to face communication. In my opinion direct conversation the exchange of feelings along with the words which all the other modes do not have. I mean that one can actually see the expression on the other’s face which helps to understand people better. Also many a times the speech contradicts the thoughts. The direct conversation gives cues to this with the help of facial expression and body language of the person.

It also saves disagreements, if any, there and then, preventing from further controversies. People get a chance to clarify their doubts without cost and time constraint. By cost constraint I mean that for e-mail, there should be an internet connection and a computer which is not in the reach of all. The cost of phone calls for common people, mainly the international calls, can be too expensive. If telephone line is busy and internet connection not working properly, the important information may have to wait for sometime. This again may create doubts if there is a delay to communicate something vital. On phone one talks continuously so lesser chance to talk about everything. This is time constraint. Face to face communication does not have these limitations.

Last but not the least, it also give a chance to know people better and make new friends. It increases people managing skill which is an important quality if one is looking for career in HR or management.

Thus, looking at the benefits as described above, I personally like to go with a face to face conversation

Pls score my essay, I will be appearing for it on 28th Sept.

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