TOEFL emotions

Hi !

I just found this great place and would like to join your society :smiley:
My name is Eli and I am going to take TOEFL in …23 days .I am very enthusiastic to participate in the discussions and to share everything I learn during my preparation for the test (useful links, books etc) .
In the next three weeks I will be fully dedicated to my TOEFL preparation but I really don’t know if I will be able to score above 250 points …
I always have the same problem when I am learning a foreign language –I have good listening and reading skills but my grammar is terrible. I am very talkative and outgoing and this helps me to leave a good impression about my English but the truth came out yesterday as I did some TOEFL tests. Here are my scores:

Listening – between 80-90%
Reading- between 80-90%
Grammar :mrgreen: ) 60-68%
Writing – no idea (I can’t score my essay by myself)

I believe that with practice every day I will be able to understand the basic question types in the Listening and Reading section , but I desperately need some tips how to improve my grammar! I guess that my vocabulary isn’t good too and have to study very hard .

Do you believe that I will be able to reach 250 points in such a short period of time? I am able to study up to 8 hours a day ( yes, I know that this is not the way to learn TOEFL but I don’t have more time :roll: )

Thank you so much for reading my message! It is great to know that there are so many people studying for the same exam and experiencing similar problems ! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYBODY!

I am looking forward for your answer ,

TOEFL listening discussions: How many types of IMA passes are available?

She is full of fun… :wink:

Hello Eli.
I feel we have the same problem, my grammar is not that good either.
However i think if we keep writing essays it will help us improve a lot.
Read, read, read all king of newspaper, books, and any other educative document,
this will help you with your reading as well as with your grammar.
By the way, I personally think your english is good. Maybe you can post some of your essay and our teacher ha Kitos, can correct them for you. He is amazing. This will help you realize where you have the mistakes and then you will try to improve them.
I’m studying a lot too, not 8 hours, it is unrealistic for me since i have a kid. But at least 5 hours a day.
My test is in sept 19 , so very close too.
Good luck to you.