He just couldn’t make up his mind which to choose and so in the end he decided to take pot luck.
Correct answer: (a) pot
Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
He just couldn’t make up his mind which to choose and so in the end he decided to take box luck.
could you help me with this expression?
By the way the translations features are not exactly correct well at least in spanish.
A potluck is a gathering of people where each person or group of people may contribute a dish of food prepared by the person or the group of people, to be shared among the group.
The word pot-luck appears in 16th century England,“food provided for an unexpected or uninvited guest, the luck of the pot”.
to invite sb on a pot-luck
Etymology: (perhaps)The term potluck comes from the traditional practice (not that it’s entirely unknown among us moderns) of never throwing anything away. Meal leftovers would be put into a pot and kept warm, and could be used to feed people on short notice.When you showed up for a meal, you took the “luck of the pot.”