If I talk about an activity do I say ’ I practiced at/in doing it’?
The usual way to say this is “I practiced (doing sth)” (e.g. “I practiced playing the piano”). “I practiced at (doing sth)” is occasionally used. “I practiced in (doing sth)” does not sound right.
Just so’s you know, in BrE the verb is spelled “practise”; in AmE it’s “practice”.
I think that generally your spacing errors are decreasing, but I notice that you still tend to put a space after an opening quote where none is needed. Take a look at these:
… do I say ’ I practiced at/in doing it’? – INCORRECT SPACING
… do I say ‘I practiced at/in doing it’? – CORRECT SPACING
I find it quaint that you comment on contributors’ typing skills. Has this advice been sought? You remind me of my head of department when I first started teaching ESL some 48 years ago in a London FE college. He was very much in the mould of the Prep schoolteacher and would often reprimand a male student ordering him to take his hands out of his pockets when asking a question.
This has nothing to do with typing skills. Allthewayanime’s use of spaces has been incorrect far beyond the normal bounds of typos for a long time, and I am trying to help him/her with that. As you will be aware, I am not normally in the habit of pointing out minute errors and typos that are not relevant to a poster’s question.