To be there and to be up there


Is there any difference between:

  1. I will be there
  2. I will be up there?

and what do the sentences below mean:

  1. I’m gonna be up front.
  2. I’m gonna be right there?

Thanks in advance,

I will be there = I will be in/at that place (wherever that is).

I will be up there = I will be in/at that place (a higher point or farther along: upstairs, up the street, on the mountain, in the sky, in heaven, etc.).

I’m gonna be up front = I will be at the front/at the head.

I’m gonna be right there? = I will be just at/in that place (wherever that is).

Here is a little illustration (I hope!):

Juliet (on her balcony): ‘Romeo, are you there?

Romeo (in the garden): ‘Yes, my love, I am down here. Well, I am up front by the garden wall, really, but I will be up there in a minute’.

Juliet: ‘No, no, you must go. The lark is singing already. It is dangerous for you here. Goodbye, sweet Romeo.

Romeo: Goodbye, my darling. I’ll be right there when you need me. I promise by the moon. All you have to do is call.

Somehow ‘up front’ doesn’t fit here… :slight_smile: , maybe it’s too colloquial.

I agree with what Conchita says, but there is one thing that needs to be clarified or added.

This can mean that you will be physically near the front of something – a theater, a car, a bus, a concert hall, wherever.

However, just as often “up front” means direct and truthful. So, for example, a doctor who has to tell a patient that he has cancer might say, “I’m going to be up front about your condition.” It means, “I’m going to tell you the direct, full truth. I will not sugar coat things. I will not mince words.”

Everything’s clear and obvious now, thanks a lot.