to be mean to someone?

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #229 [color=blue]“Adverbs of Quantity (2)”, question 5

of the kids at school are mean to me. What should I do?

(a) Much
(b) Every
(c) Some
(d) Any

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #229 [color=blue]“Adverbs of Quantity (2)”, answer 5

Some of the kids at school are mean to me. What should I do?

Correct answer: (c) Some

Dear teacher, tell me please, What is the meaning “are mean to me”?

Many thanks for your explanation:-)

are mean to me = treat me in a spiteful manner.
If someone is being mean, they are being unkind to another person, for example by teasing them, calling them names or not letting them do something.
They are being bullies.

Hi Dina,

‘Mean’ is often associated with the expression ‘mean trick’. If you play this sort of trick on someone, you are being unkind, cruel and hurtful. The idea is that you want to hurt someone mentally and you do this in an underhand way.


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