Thrash versus strike

Synonyms Lesson, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #109 [color=blue]“Synonyms for beat”, question 5

If I see him, I swear I will him for what he has done.

(a) thrash
(b) crash
(c) strike
(d) whip

Synonyms Lesson, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #109 [color=blue]“Synonyms for beat”, answer 5

If I see him, I swear I will thrash him for what he has done.

Correct answer: (a) thrash

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
If I see him, I swear I will strike him for what he has done.

why dont you use “strike” here ??

(like in “He struck me on the chin”)

We cannot be sure that the speaker actually wants to physically strike the other person. Probably he will just severely scold or criticiize the other person.

Thrash can mean to physically strike someone but it can also mean to verbally assault or verbally destroy someone and that is what the intended meaning here most likely is.

So thrash is the best answer.

To add up:
Thrash also has the idea of physical punishment by means of a whip or stick.