Man: Oh, yes. How do you win a cup?
P.S: By beating the other team.
Man: Beating them? You mean hitting them with a hockey stick?
P.S: Ha, ha, yeah. No, no, no, no, not that kind of beating. Uh, defeating them,
winning the game. Look, look, I’ll show you. OK. We each have a hockey stick.
Man: Ah, and you try to beat me, to defeat me?
P.S: Oh, don’t worry. I’ll defeat you.
Man: How?
P.S: By scoring goals, by putting the puck into the net. Watch, all right. There’s the Face off. Wildman takes it from Grotesky. He did around Kafi around Toleiko. He gives it to Black. Black shoots. It’s goal.
Man: Oh, … Win a goal.
1- What does “There’s the Face off” mean?
2- What does “He did around Kafi around Toleiko” mean?
3- What does "Wildman takes it from Grotesky " mean?
In hockey, to start or re-start play after a time-out there is a face-off. Two players face each other a few feet apart and the referee reaches between them and drops the puck, starting play.
I believe Wildman is the guy in the video. Gretzky is one of the all-time great players, often referred to as “The Great Gretzky”.
Here, Wildman, in his imagination, receives a pass from Gretzky.
Kafi around Toleiko are apparently players on the other team.
Here, he (Wildman) fools first Kafi and then Toleiko with his fancy stick work and gets by them.
I have never heard this word before. It seems to be a specialized word used in hockey. This is similar to “feign”, which is the word I’ve always heard and used. It means to fake or deceive.
“He quickly feigns to the left then moves to the right.”