The term ‘bcc’ is short for…

(*) blind carbon copy

(*) bright carbon copy

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By the way, the abbreviation ‘bcc’ should not be confused with the BBC :wink:

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Funny how many modern terms we use that came from much older technologies. I can’t remember the last time I used carbon paper. I’m pretty sure I used it in the 70s, and possibly 80s.

I also remember in school we had mimeograph copies handed out to us. I never liked them. They had a weird texture that gave me the heebee jeebees, like scratching your fingernails across the blackboard.

heebee jeebees ← that’s probably a new one for a lot of people


Carbon (tracing) paper still has a use for transferring patterns from paper to some thing else such as wood, but with its demise in the office, I’ve heard cc and bcc used as referring to “courtesy copy”.

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