The obsession with GDP helps evade questions of distribution

What a brillant speech by MP Clive Lewis:

The obsession with GDP helps evade questions of distribution while promoting infinite expansion on a finite planet.

Only in the warped reality of our current growth obsessed economic model is expansion without end seen as a virtue. In biology, it’s called a cancer. To successfully face the key challenges of this century – inequality, democratic erosion, and ecological breakdown – we need to centre new tools that measure public and planetary wellbeing, democratic health, and the ecological cost of economic activity.


He has hit the nail on the head by referring to rising inequality, erosion of democracy and climate crisis the very problems that most of the nations the world over have been grappling with!


It is a great text by Geoff Mann describing the challenges we face:


@Torsten, why is there an anachronism of the date? I couldn’t find any reference to it in the review! Or, have I mistaken the title?