What is the meaning of “manage” in this passage?
Tom and Ali, are arguing in a very angry way all the time. It started when Tom used Ali’s computer and managed to destroy some files.
I looked up in some dictionaries, but I could not find a meaning that is related to this context.
He was able to. He succeeded to.
Both #2 and #3 definitions have similar examples.
In your example, there is also a bit of disbelieve. Like how the heck did he destroy files just by using the computer?
According to the context I thought that Tom didn’t do it intentionally; It has been done by accident. So if we assume that it was done by accident, can we use “manage” for it and in this case is there correspondence between these meanings “succeed” or “ability” and “manage” in this context?
The word ‘manage’ can be used whether it’s intentional or not. In this case it was not intentional.
It might be confusing because ‘succeed’ or ‘success’ are normally used when a person accomplishes something positive. But in this case it’s negative, so ‘succeed’ might seem inappropriate.
Maybe it would help if you think of ‘succeed’ as sarcasm.
I think sarcasm is the key here.
I think it’s a little clearer with the phrase “somehow managed”.
Despite his best intentions, he somehow managed to screw everything up.
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