The meaning of 'cadbury'


I watch the American Idol show and I always hear Simon Cowell says ‘Very Cadbury’(I’m not even sure of the spelling or whether that’s the word he’s saying)

Does it mean old/antique/classic? Is it the same thing as saying ‘Dad, you’re such a dinasour’?

Because when I look up in the dictionary Cadbury is an iron age site in Somerset, England.

Apparently, a ‘cadbury’ is someone who can get drunk on a glass and a half – it’s based on the chocolate manufacturer’s slogan. Isn’t it interesting how new lingoes pop up?

By the way, I like your spelling of ‘dinosaur’ (it could be a good nickname for bad-tempered, as well as old-fashioned, Dinas)! :slight_smile:

thanks Conchita.So basically Simon is blaming the alcohol for bad singing!

I’m laughing hard as I’m writing this.Look at what living in Japan has made me!15 years ago I would’ve never made this mistake in Spelling and Dictation!ha ha ha!

Thank you for pointing it out.I felt so silly!I do.

NinaZara, you’re not alone. I’m sure 98% of the Americans watching American Idol don’t know what this expression means. Cadbury chocolates aren’t very popular here, and we don’t hear that slogan.

I also don’t know precisely what that phrase means… yet. :smiley:
But if the incredible popularity of American Idol (and Simon) is any indication, there’s a reasonable chance the expression could eventually take hold on this side of the pond, too.

My money says that if Americans have to look up the meaning of the word in a dictionary, or otherwise research it, it will never catch on. Either that, or it will get popular with some kind of imagined meaning that differs from the original.

Of course, it sounds like Simon’s use of it differs from the original too, something like the British slang word “dodgy”, which, based on my hearing the British use it, seems to mean almost anything and nothing.

I had that thought, too. :lol: