The main thing that you have to admire him for is that he doesn't get into trouble and keeps his nose clean

The main thing that you have to admire him for is that he doesn't get into trouble and keeps his nose clean. (*) blows his nose a lot (*) behaves legally (*) sneezes often (*) breathes easily

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at,the-main-thing-that-you-have-to-admire-him-for-is-that-he-doesnt-get-into-trouble-and-ukeeps-his-nose-cleanu/

Hint: “To keep one’s nose clean” is a figure of speech so you cannot assume that it literally has anything to do with the nose.


The main thing that you have to admire him for is that he doesn’t get into trouble and keeps his nose clean.

behaves legally

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