The legal requirements will usually pose no problem

The legal requirements will usually pose no problem, but the lack of a market minimizes the enthusiasm for and utility value of the non-..... stock option plan; still, it offers the most flexibility for the owner-management of a private company to select key personnel and option pricing arrangements to suit management objectives. (*) aligned (*) profit (*) qualified (*) refundable

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at,the-legal-requirements-will-usually-pose-no-problem-but-the-lack-of-a-market-minimizes-the-enthusiasm-for-and-utility-value-of-the-non-___-stock-option-plan-still-it-offers-the-most-flexibility-for-the-owner-management-of-a-private-company-to-select-key-personnel-and-option-pricing-arrangements-to-suit-management-objectives/

…and utility for the non-profit stock option plan;…

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