The higher the loan amount, the bigger the thud if your loan goes belly up, and reducing the ..... ratio is one way lenders cut their risk; to that end, they generally insist on more than the usual 20 percent down on jumbo loans over $500,000, requiring you to make at least a 25-percent cash down payment.

The higher the loan amount, the bigger the thud if your loan goes belly up, and reducing the ..... ratio is one way lenders cut their risk; to that end, they generally insist on more than the usual 20 percent down on jumbo loans over $500,000, requiring you to make at least a 25-percent cash down payment. (*) interest-to-principle (*) investment-to-assessment (*) loan-to-value (*) mortgage-to-market

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at,the-higher-the-loan-amount-the-bigger-the-thud-if-your-loan-goes-belly-up-and-reducing-the-___-ratio-is-one-way-lenders-cut-their-risk-to-that-end-they-generally-insist-on-more-than-the-usual-20-percent-down-on-jumbo-loans-over-500000-requiring-you-to-make-at-least-a-25-percent-cash-down-payment/
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